Five Simple Steps to Get the Best Social Media Outreach

Social media and User Generated Content (UGC) go together like peanut butter and jelly. Every platform, from Facebook and Instagram, to Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok, are crammed with UGC. And if you want to make it part of your next promotion ( do, it’s huge and authenticity is king) then you need to know just how to squeeze as much juice out of it as possible. 

When it comes to developing a social media strategy, Cinebody has been a pioneer in the UGC and crowdsourcing space. With years of experience in social media outreach and implementation, Cinebody can help you efficiently and effectively achieve your goals, whether you're using the software for brand promotion, music videos, customer testimonials, event promos, or even employee morale.

So, what is the first step involved in developing and implementing a social media marketing campaign? The answer is to set clear goals. Defining your objectives and desired outcomes is crucial to creating a successful social media marketing plan. Follow the five tips below to ensure you get the most out of your strategy.

Step One: Begin with an Irresistible Hook

Chances are, you’re going to be working with people who are already interested in creating content. But there’s a big difference between doing it for yourself and shooting for a brand. So, how do you get users excited about the prospect of filming for free?

It starts with a compelling call to arms. Something that gets them hyped at the idea. Something so powerful they get FOMO. For fans of Slash, it was as simple as telling them they could be in his next music video. Sold. For other people, it could be about being part of a great cause or a movement; one that the whole world will see. Other content creators get excited at the prospect of sharing their work with a larger community. To be noticed is to be famous. 

And if all that just isn’t enough, then you bring out the freebies and prizes. If there’s swag available, like tees, caps, and merch, offer it up. It’s a small price to pay for the content you’ll get. You could also offer bigger prizes that participants will get a chance to win. Of course, make sure they know upfront that this is not a guarantee, they are simply entered and could win something great. And make sure the incentives are related to the content creators. Those Slash fans probably won’t care about a year’s supply of carpet cleaner. 

Step Two: Simplicity is Key

You know the saying well. Sadly, way too many brands and their agencies ignore it, and that’s a huge mistake. Any kind of confusing sign-up process or complex onboarding will make creators drop like flies, so you need to provide crystal clear (and concise) instructions. 

First, briefly explain that they’ll be using Cinebody, how to access it, and the differences between iPhones and Android phones. Include not only a smart link to your project but a backup avenue like a join code. An example of what that could look like is:

short and sweet template

And finally, always link to the Cinebody Knowledge Base to give your content creators a reliable self-help resource.  

Step Three: Show, Don't Just Tell

If a picture tells a thousand words, a piece of UGC tells a whole library. It’s all well and good to include a description of the kind of shots you’re looking for, but sometimes users will interpret it incorrectly or just not get your vision. So, show them. You can either have the director upload an example of what he/she is looking for, or provide examples from submissions you have already received. 

What’s more, you can further strengthen your campaign with other promotional materials including flyers, postcards, and landing pages. On the latter, you can show examples from previous campaigns, and the success and reach they achieved. 

Step Four: Consistent and Persistent Posting

This is not a “set it and forget it” process. Successful YouTubers and other content creators know the value of posting often. The reason is simple; we’re all bombarded with messages and content in our social media feeds, and it is very easy to miss just one onboarding post. 

If you really want to reach as many people as possible, post several times over the course of the project launch. It could be 3 days in a row or 3-4 posts over the course of a week. But don't just post once and walk away. This will likely not yield good results. 

Step Five: Finish with a Flourish

So you’ve got what you need and it’s good. Your participants delivered the goods, and due to the ease of incorporating Cinebody footage into your edits, you may have a final polished cut in record time. 

What next?

You get the final product out there to all the people who submitted content for it. Tag them in their social channels or give them huge props for the work they did. 

This has multiple benefits. First, it makes the people who took part feel super-proud of what they’ve done. They’re in a video, and it’s most likely for something they love. Second, it makes these people feel appreciated. You don’t want to take the footage and run. Complete the circle by including them. And finally, and this is key, they will share that video to people in their own social circles and groups, who will share it with theirs. It’s a great way to get organic growth. 

And that’s all there is to it. Follow these five simple, but crucial, steps and you’ll see great success on every Cinebody project you take on. 


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