Give Your UGC Campaign Incentives the Care They Deserve

It’s time to get real. Is anybody still impressed by cheap merchandise? If you’re asking your fans to give up their time and energy to help you create a stunning piece of content, surely you can do better than offering T-shirts and hoodies as potential incentives.

We all know incentives motivate our communities to film. And we’ve seen tons of different offerings served up as a reason to get involved. But we’ve also seen plenty of easy, lazy options too.

Your fans deserve better.

They deserve incentives that genuinely speak to them and recognize their efforts to help you spread your brand.


Know Your Audience: Tailoring Incentives

Spend time thinking about your audience and entice them with incentives that show you care. What will inspire them? What will get them excited? The better the incentive, the better content you’re likely to get.

For some bands, like ODESZA or Slash, there’s no need to provide incentives. Their audience is already die-hard in its devotion. But for other communities, incentives provide the nudge needed for its fan-base to pick up their phones and start filming.

Embrace Creativity: Beyond Traditional Incentives

Don’t just fall back on traditional incentives like sweatshirts or other merchandise. Could you offer VIP upgrades? Social takeovers? Or maybe even a meet-and-greet with your band, star athlete or a high-profile influencer? Try to think of an experience (priceless) rather than a product (invariably cheap).

Unleash the Power of Unboxing Content

Here’s a cool idea to take things to the next level: ask your winners to film themselves receiving their prize. You’ll have a ready-made piece of brilliant unboxing content to make other fans jealous and to tee up your next campaign!

Strengthening Bonds: Rewarding Top Creators

Brands can reward their top creators as the process unfolds, generate even more buzz by asking them to film the unboxing of any gifts, and strengthen emotional bonds by directly engaging with their community on a one-to-one basis.

In conclusion, when it comes to UGC campaign incentives, it's crucial to prioritize the care and thoughtfulness you put into them. Understand your audience's motivations, tap into their aspirations, and offer incentives that truly resonate. Be bold, get creative, and provide experiences that surpass material possessions. By embracing the power of unboxing content and engaging with your community, you can unlock the full potential of your UGC campaigns and surpass your competition. Remember, the care you invest in your incentives will be reflected in the exceptional content your fans create.


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