How Plexus Worldwide Created an Unparalleled Recap Video Experience

Embracing Creativity with Cinebody: A Playground of Possibilities

Imagine having 600 pieces of raw footage and 70 individual creators to manage. It sounds like controlling a playground full of hyperactive toddlers would be easier.

However, Plexus Worldwide leveraged the power of Cinebody, an app that made the task not only painless but also enjoyable. With Cinebody handling the heavy lifting, the team could focus on the awe-inspiring footage rolling in, in real-time, knowing they had more than enough material for a phenomenal video.

Engaging Ambassadors and Employees: The Foundation of Authenticity

That, in a nutshell, is the story of this recap of Plexus Worldwide’s massive “Rise Up” event in Las Vegas. With that amount of footage, and that many contributors, you’d think controlling a playground full of hyperactive toddlers would be easier.

However, with an app like Cinebody doing the heavy lifting, the task at hand is not only painless but a genuine pleasure to work with. You get to concentrate on seeing the awesome footage roll in, in real time, and you’re going into the edit confident that you have more than you’ll ever need.

So, how exactly did Plexus Worldwide make it work?

It all started with the ambassadors and employees.

The Plexus team sent out email invitations to invite (“nominate”) and onboard the people they wanted doing the filming; and not just at the main event.

From packing and buying gala outfits, to makeovers and airport stories, the creators followed a series of shot lists - and got it all.

Real-time Collaboration: Uniting Perspectives and Enhancing Quality

As the footage started coming in, Plexus Creative Director, Scott Flatt, and Plexus Video Producer, Brendan Elliott, could see what was working and what needed to be covered from a different perspective. Brendan crafted a series of instant live push notifications to keep people updated with event schedules and reminders of what content he was looking for.

The Cinebody app enabled Scott and Brendan to choose clips and edit the footage together as people were filming - a huge advantage. And by the time the event wrapped, the video was almost done.

Unparalleled Authenticity: Capturing Moments Beyond the Norm

“In over 20 years of production, I’ve never seen something this cool,” said Scott. “The recap video we produced was by far one of the most authentic & personal ones I’ve ever been a part of. People act much differently when corporate cameras are rolling versus their friend’s phone. Most importantly, there was simply no way we could logistically cover so many unique and personal instances using traditional video processes.”

Plexus Worldwide

Film where traditional film crews cannot go

Such as?

Well, how about right on stage, dancing with the hosts and interacting with other ambassadors. Or being in the hotel rooms with ambassadors and employees as they share their excitement for the event. Or more emotional times, like saying goodbye to their families for a week. Some even documented their time while they were delayed at the airport during a tornado watch.

The Power of Incentives: Celebrating Creators and Inspiring Future Projects

Getting ambassadors to be your eyes and ears, and capturing those personal moments, breathes a level of authenticity into the footage that cannot be achieved with regular filming methods. The resulting six-minute video Plexus put together feels genuine…because it is. And why six minutes? For Scott, it was a no brainer: “We wanted to feature as many creators as possible to reward them for the great footage they captured, and that in itself was a great incentive. Everyone was so blown away by the end result that we already have a list of other projects in the works leveraging Cinebody.”

In short, using Cinebody cuts down costs, cuts down edit time, cuts out the hassle, and increases the engagement level that millennials and people of all ages love.

To say it’s a live-event game-changer would be something of an understatement.

quote of Scott Flatt ,Creative Director , Plexus

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