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Tips to Help You Win New Creative Video Production Business

Let’s talk about the process of winning new video production business.

Two-word review - it sucks.

Well, most of the time it does anyway, and that’s all down to the way traditional pitching and the convoluted RFP process is set up. Whether you’re a production company, specialize in content, or occupy another part of the marketing spectrum, the story is always the same.

One: Every vendor is delivering the same basic pitch

Identical? No. But the construct, the strategies employed, the treatments, and the approaches will all be in the same ballpark. Most of the time, the key differentiators between bids are the people involved and how they dress up the same main courses. From the design of the presentation, to language pulled directly from the RFP, and even production methods, you’re all in the same wheelhouse. So, how do you stand out? It’s tough.

Two: It’s a huge time suck

Bidding takes time. And time is money. Any company competing for new business has to do it on top of their current schedule and workload. That not only means lost hours and productivity, but costs for materials, equipment rental, and anything else needed to respond professionally to the RFP.

Three: It’s usually a foregone conclusion

Winning new business is not always a fair fight. The agency or brand looking for a new vendor typically knows who they want to work with. But they have to go through the motions of the “triple bidding system” in order to abide by the rules set up by the board, the client, or the state and federal laws regarding new business pitches. No-bid pitches are rare indeed.

Those are three pretty giant hurdles, but they can all be overcome. The trick is being strategic, embracing new video production tools like Cinebody and User-Directed Content, and offering the client an added benefit they didn’t even know they wanted in the first place. Here’s a game plan based on years of seeing our clients win new video production business:

Be strategic with the deliverables

There’s a saying in advertising that applies to video production RFPs; “give ‘em what they need, not what they want.” This is where strategy comes in, as well as knowing the distribution inside and out.

For example, the RFP may request a 30-second broadcast spot. Your competition will deliver that, and you should definitely cover that base. But then, go beyond. Provide a plan of attack that incorporates the original request in a larger campaign.

Cover extra scenes and b-roll, cutdowns, behind the scenes footage (great for social content), and even outline a distribution plan that uses all these extra deliverables. The competing bidders will be focused on delivering the “wants.” You will stand out if you also show them what they really need.

Embrace new video production tools

Technology is moving at a rapid pace. With 5G in place in some parts of the country, and the flagship iPhone 11 giving users the hardware to film incredible, professional-looking footage, you would be remiss to leave out video captured by people all over the world.

An app like Cinebody can help you take full advantage of that new technology, differentiating your bid with a content solution that’s not only vast and far reaching, but also budget-friendly.

User-Directed Content can be used for casting, location scouting, behind the scenes footage, and perspectives that only true fans can provide. And with the constant stream of new footage coming in, what starts as a single campaign can extend into additional content long after the actual shoot has wrapped.

Make an impression and stay top of mind.

With this strategy you have the edge; and it’s sharp. By coming to the RFP table with a completely new way of looking at video production, you’re establishing your business as one that goes above and beyond. You think outside of the brief. And that can be huge.

Will it win you the pitch every time? Nothing’s guaranteed. But what is certain is that when you use this approach to new business, you leave your mark. We’ve seen it many times when Cinebody content and strategic deployment is included in a pitch, and prospective clients are genuinely thrilled at the possibilities it presents.

And when a client is thrilled, you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll be a part of your future.