Keep Cloud-Based UGC Firmly in Your Production Toolkit

There’s no denying it. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world in so many ways. For example, remote work which was once frowned upon is now becoming the norm for businesses worldwide. And during the lockdown restrictions, User Generated Content (UGC) and cloud-based production was heavily relied upon by any brand that wanted to stay viable and keep producing content. It was an industry-saver. 

But the big question now, as we return to some form of normal, is why shouldn’t cloud-based UGC be as accepted, and embraced, as remote work? What we learned is that there’s a leaner, faster, and more efficient way of producing video content. Isn’t it insanity to go back to the old, more antiquated way of getting footage just because the pandemic is over? 

In this article, we will explore the compelling reasons why cloud production should be a critical component of your video content strategy going forward. By leveraging the advantages of cloud-based UGC, you can streamline your production workflows, reduce costs, and enhance the authenticity of your content.

Reason 1: Cloud Production: Cost-effective and Logistically Simple

Money isn’t everything in video production, but it sure feels like it. Budgets are constantly shrinking, and getting creative with them is all part of the job. Traditional high-end productions come with high-end costs. Think about the heavy and costly equipment, the crew payroll, locations (including scouting), and travel which can be a huge expense before you’ve shot one second of footage. Then there’s managing it all, which is another huge headache. Compare that with UGC you can do with a cloud-based production tool like Cinebody. Whether it’s testimonials from fans and consumers, campus tours, internal communications, or even pick-up shots, all of this footage can be seamlessly directed, captured, reviewed, downloaded, and edited in rapid succession. And as it’s cloud-based, location is no longer a factor. Your users shoot in Australia, you edit in America. It’s a time, money, and sanity saver

remote video production

Reason 2: Meeting Consumer Demand for Authenticity

You’re not just in the business, you’re also a consumer. And you know what you’re responding to, and more importantly, what you’re not loving. While high-end, glossy production will always have its place, today’s consumer seems to be rejecting it in droves. Effective marketing connects with the consumer and authenticity is paramount. 

In fact, a recent Bazaarvoice survey found that 62% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if they can view customer videos and photos of it. And 75% of respondents admitted to preferring customer content over professional imagery when online shopping.

consumers crave the autencitity of UGC

Think about that for a second. Not only is traditional footage way more expensive and harder to wrangle, it’s also not very effective. When you want to turn heads and change minds, people listen to other people. Not ad agencies trying to mimic them. So why even try the latter? You already know how popular TikTok is, and why so many brands are turning to it. Embrace the change, and the people who actively want to produce content for you. Everyone wins. 

Reason 3: Following in Hollywood's Footsteps

hollywood already using it

If you want a glimpse of the future, you look to its biggest influence. In the case of video footage and content, that’s Hollywood. So predicting that cloud-based UGC will be the next big thing is kinda like looking at the iPhone launch and betting on smartphones.

For instance, is already moving towards cloud solutions to streamline the cumbersome process of offloading and reviewing footage, pulling it into a post, and managing media. And’s new Camera-To-Cloud is not just making waves in’s also a name that tells us all where the industry is heading. When you add in other established, universal, and user-friendly video solutions like Cinebody, Open Reel, SeenIt, and more, you know where this is all going. 

And of course, the stunning speeds of 5G haven’t really penetrated yet. When that happens, and uploading and downloading large files takes seconds, production will move to the cloud just as quickly. Make no mistake, the future is cloud-based UGC. It will be how the industry operates. The only question is not if you adopt it, but when.


Top 4 Ways Cinebody Incorporated UGC Into High-End Productions


How to Make a Brand Video That Captures the Essence of Your Business