How American Adoptions Found Success with Testimonial Videos

Discover the innovative approach that propelled American Adoptions and its digital marketing agency, Indikon Media, to new heights. By leveraging the power of testimonial videos, they created the Adoption Story Project—an enlightening campaign aimed at shedding light on the realities of adoption and providing valuable insights for expectant mothers considering adoption.

The Challenge: Telling Sensitive Stories with Care and Authenticity

How do you tell sensitive stories with care, speed, authenticity, and a human touch? That was the challenge facing American Adoptions and its digital marketing agency Indikon Media when it set about creating Adoption Story Project, a testimonial video campaign designed to highlight the realities of adoption and educate women considering adoption for their baby.


The Power of Smartphones and Cloud Solutions

Building a bank of testimonial videos using a traditional production crew could soon generate problems. The logistical challenges of filming dozens of families across the country are potentially insane. Costs pile up. And overall progress is made at a snail’s pace, building inherent frustration into the project and anybody working on it. 

But by harnessing the power of smartphones and an all-in-one cloud solution, American Adoptions and Indikon Media found a quick, cost-effective, and convenient way to share real stories from across the US. Instead of shipping camcorders to families and going through a painful, labor-intensive process that generally only partially fulfilled its aims, the remote, user-generated nature of Cinebody proved a huge hit over traditional production.

Congratulations ,Matt & Jen!

Embracing Authenticity and Emotion

Mallory Edson, Video Specialist at Indikon, explained that they wanted the videos to feel authentic and emotive instead of like an over-produced "talking head." This goal was accomplished by using a remote production platform, as demonstrated in testimonial videos such as Emily and Jacob's and Amy and Tony's.

The Six Key Benefits of Remote Production for Testimonial Videos

Here are the six key benefits that Indikon and American Adoptions enjoyed by using a remote production platform for testimonial videos:

  1. Enhanced Authenticity: The in-the-moment footage captured on the fly added a genuine touch to the testimonial videos.

  2. Effortless Direction: Participants received easy-to-follow direction with a simple click within the Cinebody app.

  3. Instantaneous Footage Retrieval: Automatic uploading facilitated immediate access to the recorded footage.

  4. Efficient Feedback Loop: Providing feedback and implementing changes became a streamlined and prompt process.

  5. Massive Reduction in Production Time: Overall production time was significantly reduced, enabling the creation of numerous videos within a short span.

  6. Seamless Participant Engagement: Participants filmed on their iPhones, allowing them to record content effortlessly and naturally.

Because of a Birth Mother …”Our Lives Have Never Been the Same “

Realizing Dream Concepts in Record Time

“In just three months,” says Mallory, “we’ve been able to tackle difficult concepts - that we’ve dreamed about for years - and turned them into reality with about a dozen participants. We’ve made close to 50 videos with only two full-time staff working on the project. Cinebody’s platform has been a huge part of why this worked for us and we’re very pleased with the results.”

Transform Your Testimonial Video Production

If you’re struggling to coordinate the production of testimonial videos, this model might just be your savior. Give your process the speed, control, and savings you deserve with a user-generated solution like Cinebody.

Don't let logistical challenges hinder your ability to share powerful stories and connect with your audience. American Adoptions and Indikon Media have blazed a trail in the realm of testimonial videos, demonstrating that a remote production approach can yield remarkable results. Start revolutionizing your video production today with Cinebody, and witness the transformation firsthand.


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